The mission of the Commission on Youth Ministries is to oversee the activities of the youth oriented organizations of the church and act as a clearinghouse for new projects and programs to assure these activities adhere to the Christian policies of the Church.
Minister to Youth – Minister Calvin A. Austin, II
Chairperson – Deaconess Stephanie Johnson
Co-Chair – Deaconess Kimberly Smith
Advisor – Deacon Pamela Coles
Regular Meeting Time – 3rd Sunday immediately following morning worship
Contact Information:
Conference Call Information
Call In Number: (515) 604-9094
Access Code: 344-553-795
Our Ministries
Junior Missionaries
Brenda Clark, Chair
The mission of the Junior Missionaries is to promote personal development, life skills for the home and community and self-esteem through the activity of missionary work.
Meeting Information: 1st Saturday 12pm – 2:00pm
Children’s Worship
Hugh McGhee, III, Director
1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays January to June, October to December in the D.W. Hoggard Fellowship Hall during morning worship service. No Children’s Worship during July and August.
Church School Orchestra
Deaconess Kimberly Smith and Marva James, Directors
The mission often Church School Orchestra is to bring lives to Christ through the medium of instrumental musical performance.
Meeting Information: Every Saturday at 10:30am – 12pm September to June; Ministering every 1st and 3rd Sunday
Academic Enrichment Ministry
Deaconess Stephanie Johnson, Chair
The mission of the Academic Enrichment Ministry is to provide enriching and engaging academic activities for youth in the church and the surrounding community. Activities include Standardized Test classes for the PSSA, SAT and ACT tests and our STEAM Summer Camp.
Standardized Test Prep Classes: Saturdays January 11, 2020 – March 28, 2020 12pm – 3pm. Registration Required.
STEAM Summer Camp: Monday – Friday June 29, 2020 – August 7, 2020. 8:30am – 3:300pm.
Scholarship Information – Scholarship information for the current academic year. Please take note of deadlines and application requirements. Please check for updated information.
National Association of University Woman Scholarship DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 20, 2020 – H.S. Seniors
Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship DEADLINE MARCH 1, 2020 – H.S Seniors
National Association of University Women – Suburban Philadelphia Branch Oratorical Competition DEADLINE February 3, 2020 – 9th – 12th Graders
Mentoring Ministry
Deaconess Delores Randolph, Chair
The mission of the Mentoring Ministry is to demonstrate by example and instill in our children: a) spiritual values, b) love, c) faith and d) hope. Moreover it is designed to enhance and enrich the moral. educational and cultural growth of children.
Meeting Information: 3rd Saturday at 1pm September – May
Mime Ministry
Kimberly Kelly, Director
The mission of the Mime Ministry is to use body language movements and music to worship and praise God and to provide an outreach ministry for youth.
Meeting Information: Thursday 6:30 – 7:30 September – June. Ministering on 3rd Sunday
Mount Carmel Junior and Young Peoples Choir
Kerri Williams, Director
The mission of the Mt. Carmel Junior and Young Peoples choir is to bring young people together to worship and sing praises to God, to provide Christian fellowship, thereby winning others to Christ and promoting Christian principles in the lives of young people.
Meeting Information: Wednesday 6pm – 8pm September – June. Ministering on 3rd Sunday
Mount Carmel Rocks (Basketball Ministry)
Trustee Kelly Stewart, Director
The mission of the Mt. Carmel “Rocks” Basketball ministry is to provide outreach ministry for young people in the church and community using basketball as the medium.
Meeting Information: Wednesday 6pm – 8:30pm
MCBC Steppers
Alexis Warren-Brown, Director
The mission of the MCBC Steppers is to provide exposure and cultivate the appreciation our African-American culture and heritage through stepping activities while incorporating the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Meeting Information: Tuesdays 6pm – 8pm
Young Peoples Usher Board
The mission of the Young Peoples Ushers is to meet, greet and be of assistance to all who enter Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and to assist in providing a worshipful atmosphere.
Meeting Information: February 21th, April 17th and June 19th. Ministering on 3rd Sunday